Paying Attention To Industrial Safety ConcernsPaying Attention To Industrial Safety Concerns

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Paying Attention To Industrial Safety Concerns

After one of my guys almost got smashed by an overhead boom, I knew that we had to make a few changes. Instead of ignoring safety protocols and living with our outdated equipment, I decided to invest a little money into industrial equipment and supplies. We updated our machinery to include safety features, and we started asking each of our employees to wear brightly-colored jackets so that we could tell where everyone was. It took an overhaul of the entire business, but when we were done, things ran a lot smoother. Check out this blog for ideas on how to keep your team safe.


An Introduction To Welding Gases

Gas welding is a process of joining two pieces of metal together using heat and a flame. It is one of the oldest and most widely used welding processes. The main components that make up gas welding are the fuel gas and an oxidizing agent, such as oxygen. To ensure your welds are successful, it is important to understand which gases are best for various applications. Here's what your industrial welding gas supplier wants you to know. 

What Are Common Welding Gases Used in the Industry?

There are several gases that are used in the welding industry, including:

  • Hydrogen. Hydrogen is used for welding aluminum and magnesium alloys. The drawback of hydrogen is that it produces a scorching flame, which can cause damage to the surrounding material.
  • Argon. Argon is a non-reactive gas primarily used in welding stainless steel, aluminum, copper, and magnesium alloys.
  • Nitrogen. Nitrogen is used for welding aluminum and magnesium alloys to reduce the risk of oxidation. It also provides better flow characteristics which creates a stronger weld.
  • Helium. Helium is used for welding titanium and aluminum alloys. Helium gas provides a more precise weld due to its low density, allowing you to easily control the weld's temperature.

Additionally, your industrial welding gas supplier will have various gas blends available for your welding projects, like carbon dioxide, which increases the heat of the flame while welding carbon steel and low alloy steels. The heat increases the welding speed but also increases the spatter and porosity in the welds.

What Is the Best Choice for Gas Welding?

When deciding which is the best choice for gas welding, it's important to take into consideration the thickness of the material being welded as well as the surrounding environment. Your industrial welding gas supplier will be able to assist you in selecting the right type of gas for your application.

What Is the Best MIG Welding Gas?

MIG (metal inert gas) welding typically requires shielding gases, such as argon or helium, to protect the weld from oxidation. The cost of these gases varies depending on several factors, including the purity level required and local availability. However, argon tends to be cheaper than helium overall, so that may be the best option if cost is an issue. It's also important to note that some industrial welding gas suppliers will offer discounted rates when buying multiple cylinders at once.

Welders have many options when selecting a gas for their projects. Regardless of which type of gas you use for your project, understanding how each one works will help ensure successful welds every time. Talk to your industrial welding gas supplier today if you need help choosing a gas for your welding project.

Contact a local industrial welding gas supplier to learn more.